![Tewksbury dentist cleaning office](https://www.tewksburydentalassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Infection-Control-TDA-BLOG-239x300.jpg)
In light of the current, and unprecedented health crisis brought on by COVID 19, we wanted to share valuable information with you regarding infection control and protection in our dental practice.
Due to the strict standards of safety our clinicians and doctors have always adhered to, visiting our office for your dental appointment is one of the safest places you could go!
We have always made infection prevention a top priority for our patients and providers and implement all measures and “Standard Precautions” recommended in the CDC’s Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings. Our regular protocols in the office include:
- Level 3 ASTM masks (mask types will be re-evaluated for COVID 19 protection)
- Gloves, Non-Latex (glove types will be re-evaluated for COVID 19 protection)
- Protective eyewear for clinician and patient
- HVE- high volume suction to reduce the creation of aerosol during treatment
- Rubber dams used to protect patients during restorative work
- Protective disposable barriers on surfaces with high traffic touchpoints
- iPad, reception area, and children’s area disinfection protocol
- Daily maintenance and disinfection of all suction lines
- Ultrasonic prewash of instruments prior to sterilization
- Heat autoclave bagged instruments with indicator test strips
- Steam sterilizers
![Washing hands](https://www.tewksburydentalassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Handwashing-Image-TDA-Blog-768x1024.jpg)
As we move through the coming weeks together we are carefully monitoring what the American Dental Association (ADA), and the CDC, are working on to update and implement additional measures of infection control in the dental environment. We will ensure that your dental appointment will continue to be one of the safest things you can do going forward.
Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, meaning they are one of the easiest types of viruses to kill with the appropriate disinfectant product. This is why frequent handwashing with soap can help protect you from getting the virus.
In the office, we use appropriate and effective surface disinfectant products recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency for use against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
During this period of reduced operations we are seeing emergency patients at the office. We have implemented a screening protocol to help patients who may be at higher risk of infection.
When we are confirming an emergency appointment we are asking the following: have you traveled in the last 21 days, or been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with or is under investigation for COVID-19? Are you experiencing a cough, fever or shortness of breath?
If patients answer yes to these questions, we are encouraging them to contact their primary physician or public health department as soon as possible to find out if they should be seen or tested. We are also monitoring and screening our doctors and team members regularly for COVID-19 in order to protect everyone who may work in the office over the coming weeks providing emergency care.
The entire TDA team is grateful to have each and every one of you in our dental family. We will do everything we can to keep you informed, protected, safe and healthy. We are all in this together and we cannot wait to see you all again when this is over!
Dr. Nitish Nahata and TDA Team