Happy New Year!
A message from our insurance coordinator, Samantha:
At the start of the calendar year, most dental insurance plans reset or renew benefits. If you carry dental insurance, now is the time to take a close look at your plan.
**Do you know if your employer chose a different insurance plan this year?
**Do you know of any changes if you have the same plan?
**Do you use the Patient Portal feature on your insurance provider’s website to easily access info about your dental insurance benefits?
We submit to hundreds of dental plans every week on behalf of our patients, however, our office is NOT informed of changes to your plan. All benefits and policy details are determined by your employer and the plan they choose from the insurance company. “Insurance” is a very misleading term when it comes to dental care. Most dental insurance plans have a limited benefit per year and of that, most of the coverage you are provided is for maintenance only. Your dental needs are not determined by your insurance coverage.
Our team is dedicated to helping our patients understand and get the most value out of their dental benefits. Please let us know before your next visit if your dental plan has changed, or if you have any questions. We will be happy to research and help!