People, Pets and Periodontal Disease! | Tewksbury Dental Associates


1438 Main Street Tewksbury MA 01876
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Dental Care

VIDEO: People, Pets and Periodontal Disease!

Welcome to our first video blog! In partnership with our neighbor and friend just across the street in Tewksbury at Shawsheen Animal Hospital we have put together an informative and fun video to teach you more about periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. If you’ve ever had sore, red or bleeding gums, or you’ve noticed bad breath and red sore gums in your cat or dog, it could be periodontal disease which can affect humans and animals. Healthy gums (and teeth) are an important part of overall health and wellness. At Tewksbury Dental Associates we have a periodontal specialist for human patients right here in our Tewksbury office and Shawsheen Animal Hospital can provide dental health care for pets!



Dr. Zack Goldman and Dr. Alexis Cenami


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