October is National Dental Hygiene Month | Tewksbury Dental Associates


1438 Main Street Tewksbury MA 01876
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Dental Care

October is National Dental Hygiene Month

It’s time to celebrate! October is National Dental Hygiene Month and unlike certain candy-filled holidays in October- this is the kind of celebration we can get behind!

All of us at TDA want to take time to recognize the hard work our hygienists do to help each patient maintain good oral health and share with you some tips to keeping your smile healthy.

Floss your teeth

Your gums, and other structures surrounding your teeth, act as the foundation for your smile. And just like you wouldn’t want to build a house on a shaky foundation, we don’t want the foundation of your smile to be unhealthy.

Four ways you can work towards better oral hygiene are:

  1. Brushing your teeth- 2 minutes, 2 times a day with a fluoride toothpaste is the start to cavity free teeth and healthy gums
  2. Flossing daily- there are places a toothbrush can’t reach, so use floss to get in between your teeth
  3. Rinsing daily- using an antimicrobial, anticavity rinse help reinforce daily habits
  4. Getting routine hygiene care visits- you shouldn’t think of this as a simple “cleaning”

Did you realize that Registered Dental Hygienists are licensed members of your health care team? And they take your health seriously. Hygiene visits include a review of your overall medical health care, a thorough examination of your extra and intraoral tissues, an oral cancer screening, measuring your gums and bone levels and creating a custom hygiene plan just for you!

Your hygiene care visit is a specialized appointment devoted just to your oral health. Just like each person is different, each mouth needs their own personal plan for keeping it healthy. Suffering from dry mouth, getting used to new braces, certain medical illnesses are all examples of why patients may need additional steps to routine oral care. Our hygienists focus on making sure each patient is getting the right preventive care education and information to maintain good oral health.

With all that hard work going into each visit you can understand why we are happy spending a whole month celebrating dental hygiene and our team of outstanding hygienists! Next time you come in for your “regular cleaning” just remember our team is focused on working with you to keep you smiling.

Dr. Alexis Cenami and the TDA Hygiene TEAM

Dr. Cenami

Dr. Cenami















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